考完Duolingo English Test, 成功取得125 分! 1個星期前, 我完全不知道Duolingo English Test 是甚麼
現在跟大定分享一些短時間內需要考Duolingo English Test的自學個人心得, 以下4個步驟, 以及我睇過覺得有用的Youtube video, 網頁和我自己抄下的筆記, 讓你 Duolingo English Test 一次考得你想要的分數!
多謝製造這些有用資源的網友, 希望大家可以支持他們, 覺得有用的話, 請分享給有需要的朋友仔!
Step 1: 認識Duolingo English Test
- 當我research 加拿大學校入讀要求, 看到Duolingo English Test 的分數要求 🤔
- 其實, 那一刻, 甚麼都不知道, 只知道類似IELTS, 不過可以在家用電腦作考
- +10年前考過IELTS, 曾經是考試機器的我,當然知道認識考試的重要性
- 以下是我看過的網上資源, 讓我盡快了解Duolingo English Test 是甚麼和需注意是項:
- 考試題目類型分享(文字): 【加拿大留學】 讓你秒懂Duolingo考試攻略與申請學校方法
- 傳説中比IELTS 更容易的Duolingo 英文試? 零準備下同你即場考一次Demo,到底會有幾多分?(模擬試期間即場錄拍)
- Duolingo English Test 考試經驗分享
Step 2: 明白自己的弱項
- 當知道考試大概是怎樣, 可以做 Duolingo Practice Test, 了解自己甚麼地方需要練習 ✏️
- 亦都可以去以下 Youtube channel, 這個Youtubber- English Teacher Luke 做了很多模擬 Duolingo Full Practice Test (要1小時)
- 我做了一個, 大概明白到: 我的writing and speaking 有點弱
- 如果大家都有類似問題, 不用感到不開心, 就算平時用開英文都會有這個問題, 因為太耐冇考試, 而且考試題目未必是你常用的英文
- 因此, 我用了2天, 重點練習 writing and speaking 🏌🏼♀️
Step 3: 練習自己的弱項
- 我睇了很多youtube video 關於speaking and writing 📺 💬
🗯️最大心得: 所有writing and speaking 要💯 :
- 1句Topic Sentence (可以抄問題字眼)
- 3句 supporting sentences – (1 句 說明supporting idea, 1 句給supporting idea的例子, 1句總結這個supporting idea)
- 1句 concluding sentences (又可以抄問題字眼)
- 如果夠時間, 寫2個supporting ideas 即是共6 句supporting sentences, 總共你便起碼有8句句字, 很不錯喔! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
- 😎加分位: 一定要用Linking phrases e.g. First of all, In addition, to conclude, 第一計字數, 第二: 增加文章的流暢度 Fluency, 第三: 好易用! 下面, 我記錄了 Luke 老師不同linking phrases e.g. 除了to conclude, 可以用甚麼呢? 用字變化可以加分
- 有時間, 加一些形容詞, adverb,等, 多字數可以讓Duolingo 覺得你英文好
- 參考Luke 老師的sample 文章, 以下筆記有一份可參考, 千萬不要抄!
- 以下Appendix 是我的筆記針對幾種說話和寫作的重點, 讓大家參考
- 下面筆記內容來自 English Teacher Luke Youtube Channel
Step 4: 準備考試
- 準備所需文件: 信用卡和身份証 🗃️
- 考試時, 記住mouse 不要離開 Duolingo English test browser, 不然, 考試馬上暫停, 我試左幾次, 超煩
- 如果有甚麼技術問題 technical issues, 記住用 Duolingo English Test Live Chat, 不用1分鐘便有人馬上回應我, 解答問題
- 考試前,記住看一次English Teacher Luke的提醒或之前提及的文章
最後, 如果有甚麼問題, 請留言, 我們一起研究!
希望大家覺得有用的話, 請分享給有需要的朋友仔!
加油努力!!! 共勉之 💕💕💕
請大家follow 我的Instagram帳戶,每當有新文章, 我會在Instagram 告訴大家!
- 離開還是留下? 4個行動靠自己賺錢,在任何地方生活也可以!
- 【2022】PMP課程推薦, 和你一起選擇適合你的PMP課程
- [Notion應用教學] 自創求職模板, 5步幫你尋找Dream Job的工具
- 閱讀筆記: 下班後一小時的極速學習攻略
- 閱讀筆記: 最棒的一年:5個步驟,100%實現目標,讓計畫不再是空話
- 7個重點值得推介:怦然心動的工作整理魔法
- 閱讀筆記: 彈性習慣:釋放壓力、克服拖延、輕鬆保持意志力的聰明學習法
Our Everyday Matters Academy 學習筆記
Types of Speaking / Writing Test
- Describing an image
- writing
- descriptive in your language
- write down main points
- must write at least 1 sentence and in full sentence
- Introductory statement
- this is a picture of ..
- this picture shows
- this image depicts
- the image
- in this paragraph there is/are
- be descriptive
- describe what you see in the image in more details. Where are things located in the picture
- write about eth actions of the person or main subject in the mage – use action verbs and adverbs
- describe the objects or people – use the adjective
- write about the location of the things in the image
- on top of/ above
- at the top
- in the center/ middle
- at the bottom
- under/beneath, underneath, below
- to the left/right
- make a guess/prediction
- it seems like
- it looks like
- I guess that
- i think
- modal verbs e.g. might, may, must, could
- spelling and punctuation is important
- always start a sentence with cap letter
- always end with full stop, question mark, exclamation mark
- FANBOYS – for and nor but or yet so. connecting 2 independent clauses with these conjunction requires comma
- leave enough time for proofreading
- writing
- Read aloud
- Content
- Fluency
- speed – dont need to speak fast
- sentence stress & rhythm
- content words are stressed e.g. main verbs, nouns, adj, adv, negative auxiliaries
- functions words are not stressed e.g. pronouns
- connected speech
- weak and strong forms of words
- content words – strong
- grammar words – week e.g. but, a, the
- contractions
- linking
- weak and strong forms of words
- pausing – coma is an indicator to pause slightly
- Listen and speak typelisten to a prompt and then respond. Listen the questions 3 times within 20 seconds
- Task relevance
- 90s in total to answer – speak for at least 60s. Speaking for longer will get higher score in fluency
- 1-2 q on the test
- production and conversation
- question types not on practice test
- understand the prompt and listen 3 times in 20s
- answer is directly related to the prompt
- use a range of vocab and grammer
- use linking phrases to increase fluency
- Spoken interview question冇寫, 因為覺得差不多
- Scoring Criteria
- Grammar – accuracy & complexity
- Vocab
- Did you answer the question?
- Length – at least 50 words
- Fluency – is it easy to follow?
- Tips
- Identify the type of writing you’re asked to do
- DescribeDescribe the effect, implication. and no need to give your arguments
- Planning
- Organization – 110 words is sufficient in 5 mins
- Topic sentence:
- Supporting sentence – 2 ideasimplication + example + resultOne of the most concerning implications is idea 1Example, such asAs a result, example 1 creates the implication idea 1on the other hand, there are YYY of this phenomenonone of the benefits is that [example of YYY)
- ConclusionTo conclude, is going to increase, therefore, we need to accept the implications, positive and negative, it will have on society.
- at least 2 implication:
- effects
- changes
- Recount – word count: 175
- Talk about your experience e.g. What have you learnt XXX
- Planning: spend 30s for planning in your head. you can’t write or type in
- identify types of writing
- any relevant experience?
- any examples supporting your experiences?
- structure them with topic, supporting, conclusion
- Organization – write in 1 paragraph
- Topic SentenceI’m particularly fond of YYY, and I have learnt about so many aspects of XXX from YYY
- Supporting Sentence – 6
- one of the most interesting things that I have learnt is XXX
- for example, XXXXXX
- conclude 1st idea
- Another useful thing i have learnt is XXXX
- even though, YYY has taught me a lot of AAA and BBB
- conclude 2nd idea e.g. This has helped me to expand my knowledge of YYY and made me BBB
- Concluding SentenceTo sum up, from my experience of YYY, YYY can be a fantastic source of YYY sub category as well as YYY sub catategory
- Make an argument
- 2 reasons
- DescribeDescribe the effect, implication. and no need to give your arguments
- Organize your answer
- Introduction x 1 pc
- topic sentence – tell readers what your paragraph is about
- states clear of your position and opinion – argumentative
- include controlling idea (items that my paragraph is about)
- Supporting sentence – at least 2 pcs + 2 pcs
- explain and develop the topic sentence
- provide results, test, statistics to explain my idea
- use transition words e.g. first and foremost, additionally, in conclusion
- 1 supporting idea + 1 example
- Concluding sentence – 1pc
- signal end of paragraph + reiterate the topic sentence
- important points for readers to remember
- paraphrase of the topic sentence
- e.g. in conclusion…
- Introduction x 1 pc
- Identify the type of writing you’re asked to do
- Sample
Tools – Linking Phrases
- Firstly, First and foremost
- For example / For instanceuse example to elaborate and back up
- let me share/give an example
- an example of this is
- a great example of this is
- Also, moreover, additional, in addition
- on top of that, xxxxxx
- what’s more, xxxxxxx
- as well as that
- Contrasting = But
- at the same time
- but at the same time
- Saying that
- That said
- In Conclusion
- To wrap up
- in a nutshall
- overall
- basically
- SampleSource:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXkqPWoZbBw&list=PLFoAuQjNPg1Kyn8R-EPcWgXi0wDjpJPM_
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