6個步驟讓你輕鬆準備Dream Job 求職面試

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遇到心儀工作,很想很想得到這份工作,心情很緊張,以下文章總結了6個準備Dream Job 求職面試的步驟,6條每一個求職面試都要準備的經典問題(連答案),以及10條你可在求職面試問interviewer的問題,希望大家順利獲得你的Dream Job!


1️⃣ 調整你的求職面試心態








  • 面試就好像你跟朋友和同事聊天,你的回應要精簡,最好60秒內,不可以長過 90秒,
  • 面試過程中,可以問問題,不用留到最後,你可以這樣說:
    • “I can do X, Y, Z”. Any particular experience you’re looking for with XXX? Would you like me to go into detail about any of those four domains? or Any of those areas you want me to particularly focus on?
  • 你都可以問關於對方個人工作上的問題
    • 什麼project你最喜歡?
    • 你覺得最好的team dynamics 是怎樣?

2️⃣ 認識自己,讓自然求職面試更順利

  • 回想自己令人難忘的事情,以結果為導向的事情,你已經完成的事情,你引以為豪的事情,甚至是你失望的事情。
    • 工作遇過的挑戰和失敗
    • 人際動態 Interpersonal dynamics
    • 工作成功的故事
    • 你的強項和弱項
  • 平時大家可以用Notion 記下你的工作成就,[Notion應用教學] 自創求職模板, 5步幫你尋找Dream Job的工具
  • 然後用這些故事和結果整理面試的回應,以下是常見的面試回應整理技巧
  • 大家可以看以下Youtube Video,我覺得講得幾好,在本文的面試筆記,收集了我覺得必看的免費YouTube Videos

3️⃣ 了解你正在求職面試的工作

“You shouldn’t have to spend hours tailoring a resume, it really should be reviewing that job description, comparing it to what you have written. And then you’re doing essentially a reconciliation.” – Shelley Piedmont, a Human Resources Executive with 20+ years of hiring experience

你不應該花幾個小時來定制一份簡歷,它真的應該審查這份工作描述,並將其與你所寫的簡歷內容進行比較。 然後,你基本上是在進行較對。” –Shelley Piedmont

  • 深入閱讀求職廣告
    • 工作內容 Job Description – 學習JD來確定這份工作必須具備的3-4個關鍵技能
    • 工作需要的技能和知識 – 確保你具備這些技能並想出一些例子來展示你的能力
    • 怎樣可以在這份工作成功, success metrics?
    • 觀看有關您申請的工作的 YouTube 視頻
  • 了解公司和工作
  • 了解你的Interviewer 面試官
    • LinkedIn是一個很好的地方,看看你們有沒有共通點,如果他/她有寫文章,你更加可以了解他/她的想法
    • 了解Interviewer 面試官和你將來工作的關係
      • 上司 Hiring Manager ▶️ 令他/她覺得你做得好好,跟他的team相處好,如果他/她的團隊有幾個人,令他/她覺你teamwork,很願意幫他/她train team members
      • 同級 Peer ▶️ 令他/她覺得你做到事,不會麻煩他/她,
      • 將來合作伙伴和顧客 Stakeholders ▶️ 你重視他/她,幫到他/她解決問題來,讓他/她preferred的方法 (起碼不抗拒),partnership,你以前怎樣幫過類似他/她的情況的 ex-stakeholders,highlight他們怎樣多謝你和多麼願意跟你繼續合作,可以的話,不要提名字
      • 上司的上司 ▶️ 問問題,讓他們說話。 他們希望被傾聽,就像團隊和文化一樣

4️⃣ 當天求職面試的行動

  • 重溫上面的1-3 點,你已經準備很多,重溫讓你更容易在面試當場應用
  • 比約定時間早起碼15分鐘,Zoom interview 都要! 這樣讓你可以調節心情進入求職面試interview mode
  • 面試後Send Thank You email, 每個求職者都有,你不可以沒有

5️⃣ 求職面試後的行動

  • 準備下一論面試! 就算未被通知有下一論面試,都要開始準備。怎樣準備? 就是賽後檢討! 就算打完Overcooked,我都會跟朋友賽後檢討,面試如是!
  • 回憶自己的求職面試的回答,我個人的經驗是,很少會直接照犒讀,回想自己的答案:
    • 有沒有直接回答interviewer 的提問?
    • 哪一個回答你覺得自己答得好? 當你見到interviewer 笑,望住你回答,verbally 讚你,這些都是好response 的反應
    • 有沒有太長的response? 怎樣可以再精簡一點?
    • 哪一條題目你覺得很難回應? 你可能要想想為何難回答? 我試過有一次interviewer問我準備怎樣帶team? 我不想回答,我知道應該要講甚麼,而我都講了interviewer想聽的說話! 但我了解到,我根本不想帶team! 自此,我選擇individual contributor 的工作
  • 繼續在YouTube 看關於新工作的相關影片,超級有用!
    • 如果還有下一論面試, 看更多關於新工作的相關影片,讓我更有信心
    • 如果真的得到工作,可以幫我馬上投入和perform!

6️⃣ 照顧自己的心情

  • 你的心情很重要!
  • 無論你有沒有察覺,其實見工面試,是每個人每日都會做的事情
  • 就算今次面試失敗,得不到工作,不用灰心,面試是matching process,雇主不一定找最好的人,他們想要的是跟工作最夾的人
  • 可能你會覺得自己很不行,我都有這樣的挫敗感,這個時間,我們更加需要照顧和陪伴自己
  • 做一些你喜歡做的事,在youtube 看搞笑片,當心情舒暢一點時,開始問自己,有沒有哪個部分可以做好多一點


求職不容易,需要大量準備,但你有我們的支持和陪伴,如果有甚麼問題,可以留言或IG聯絡我,一起研究! 每天都很重要, 每天都是製造快樂的新機會, 所以希望在這裏建立一個互相支持的加油站, 一起每天成為更好的自己, 一起製造更多讓人開心的選擇! 

下面是我準備求職面試的筆記,特別幫到我的是一些讓面試官覺得我很professional 的英文句子,希望對大家有用!

1️⃣ 調整你的求職面試心態
2️⃣ 認識自己,讓自然求職面試更順利
3️⃣ 了解你正在求職面試的工作
4️⃣ 當天求職面試的行動
5️⃣ 求職面試後的行動
6️⃣ 照顧自己的心情


每次收到網友的電郵或留言, 我都超開心!原來你們真的有看我的文章, 我感到很開心!

請大家follow 我的Instagram帳戶Pinterest帳戶 ,每當有新文章, 我會在Instagram 告訴大家!


求職面試筆記 (英文)

以下是我準備求職面試時寫下的筆記和超有用的YouTube Video讓大家參考

  • 5 Questions You Must Prepare for Every Job Interviews (with suggested WINNING answer format)
  • 10 Questions to Ask During Interview

6 Questions You Must Prepare for Every Job Interviews (with suggested WINNING answer format)

  1. Your Weakness
    • a weakness that won’t be essential in the success in this job
    • how you have improved yourself in this area and the result
    • what you have learnt from this weakness
  2. Your Strength
  3. Why this is right role for you
    • company and product
    • team
    • role – what projects you’re interested in, what excited you to grow in this role
    • specific reason why this role is the best next step for my career
  4. Why should we hire you?
    • Start with the company, start with the role ▶️ your relevant experience
    • I understand that you want someone who can execute x; who has driven, like, y type of results, and who is going to manage a, b, and c. And I can see myself managing those things because I have been able to do- and then you go through your experience and see how your experience matches up to what you had just listed.
      • this role is meant to streamline process for X and help clients for Y with the biggest challenge being Z.
      • detail your specific skills that can address specific challenges in this role. e.g. based on those business goal, I can bring my experience doing X in Y industry to achieve Z goal. list out your relevant experiences
      • ask your interviewers: is this how you see me in this role? Did I miss any key challenges you think I’ll be facing?
  5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    1. I can make a impact on X, Y, Z in next 1-2 years
    2. As I have succeeded in this role, I can start to mentor others and set others up for success
  6. Tell me about yourself
    • 60s Who you are 1 line summary of who you’re – linking your current role and future role
      • I have been in X industry for x years. my role is X at Y company
    • Highlight Real 2-4 lines about Highlight Real – highlight your achievement that makes you’re fit for the role
      • I was promoted in this role within 2 years
      • I did X that bring Y benefits to to company
      • What excite me is i love to find inefficiency to build solution around that
      • Prior to that, i worked in XXX (your previous role)
    • Why you’re here 2 lines about why you’re applying this role and why this is your best next step in your career
      • Your role really captures my interest because what you’re doing in X space is exactly in line with my passion and expertise – helping people to solve complex problem
      • I see this role as an excellent opportunity for me to swiftly make a positive impact and grow tremendously due to XXX e.g. scaling team

10 Questions to Ask During Interview

  1. I had a chance to review the JD, but it would be really helpful to hear from your role and perspective how you would explain the duties in this role?
  2. What makes this role available?
  3. What kind of additional responsibilities can be gained over time in this role?
  4. What do you want this role to accomplish in the first 90 days?
  5. How do you measure the success of this role?
  6. What have been the biggest challenges for this role? follow up: clearly communicate how you can help them in these areas.
  7. Ask customized questions about interviewers
    1. you’ve been at the company at X years. How has your role evolved during your time here?
    2. Why did you join the company and is the experience what you expected?
  8. Ask about the team and understand team dynamics
    1. Who will i be working with most closely?
    2. what is the boss’s leadership style?
    3. what are the team dynamics like?
    4. what are the team members’ work styles?
  9. What were your favorite projects in this role?
  10. How’s your work?

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一個土生土長, 熱愛香港從事HR的女子, 讀心理輔導, 家中超過300本書, 熱愛學習新事物, 喜歡分享養生護膚, 飲飲食食去旅行購物經驗, 同時又喜歡留在家中, 想成為一個財務自由的極簡主義者, 獨自建立oureverydaymatters.com, 希望成為你每天的加油站, 在每一天的成長道路上陪伴你, 一起為生活製造更加開心的選擇!